The New Mexico Brain Injury Resource Center has a comprehensive library available to you, whether you live in Albuquerque or somewhere else in the state of New Mexico.

Use our search form below to explore our library, or scroll through our collection by page. Click on the book/item title for more information.

If you would like to place a hold or borrow an item, please fill out the form at right. 


731 Items Matched.
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681.100 Questions & Answers About Brain Tumors
Virginia Stark-Vance, MD and M.L. Dubay
Call Number: ABI Sta, etal 2004 c2.2
682.The Alzheimer's Prevention Program: Keep Your Brain Healthy for the Rest of Your Life
Gary Small, Md. and Gigi Morgan
Call Number: ABI Sma, etal 2011 c2.3
683.The Alzheimer's Prevention Program: Keep Your Brain Healthy for the Rest of Your Life
Gary Small, MD, and Gigi Vorgan
Call Number: ABI Sma, etal 2011 c3.3
684.The Power of Two: Surviving Serious Illness with an Attitude & an Advocate
Brian Monaghan and Gerri Monaghan
Call Number: ABI Mon, etal 2009 c2.2
685.Nutrition for Brain Health: Fighting Dementia
Laura Town, Karen Kessel, and Amanda Boyle
Call Number: ABI Tow, etal 2016 c2.2
686.Compensatory Systems for Students with Brain Injuries
Ann Glang, PhD, McKay Moore Sohlberg, PhD, and Bonnie Todis, PhD
Call Number: CHI Gla etal 2016 B3.6 REFERENCE
687.Strategies for Managing Challenging Behavior of Students with Brain Injuries
Stephen Bruce, MEd, Lisa Selznick Gurdin, MS and Ron Savage, EdD
Call Number: CHI Bru etal 2016 B2.6 REFERENCE
688.The Human Brain Book
Rita Carter, Susan Aldridge, Martyn Page, and Steve Parker
Call Number: MISC Car, etal 2019 c1.1 REFERENCE
690.Stroke Rebel: Optimizing Neuro Plasticity to Beat the Odds
Linda Radestad
Call Number: ABI Rad 2019 c1.1
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of 74

NMBIRC Library Item Request/Patron Form

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PICK UP ITEMS: Please use the date field to let us know what day you will be picking up the item so we can have it ready for you. We will hold the item for you for 48 hours.
MAILED ITEMS: Please enter your complete address so we can mail you the item. We will include return postage.
Please enter your name.
Please enter the title of the book/workbook, DVD or audiobook you'd like to request.
Please enter your complete address if you would like an item mailed to you.
If you are placing a hold for pick-up, please enter the day you would like to pick up your item. We will hold the item for 48 hours.