The New Mexico Brain Injury Resource Center has a comprehensive library available to you, whether you live in Albuquerque or somewhere else in the state of New Mexico.

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TitleClimbing Back: a family's journey through brain injuryAuthorElise RosenhauptPublishedSan Francisco, CA : Peninsula Road Press 0000
Status:Check Shelves SubjectFamilies of TBI victimsCategoryTBIMediabookISBN978-0-9836980-2-9Call NumberTBI Ros 2015 c1.1TypeGeneral BorrowDescription
"I was in absolutely top physical and mental shape when this happened, and I will do whatever it takes to get back to where I was." At the start of his second year at Harvard, Martin was hit by a car and thrown 150 feet. He landed on his head, suffering severe traumatic brain injury. He resolved to get back. Climbing Back: A Family's Journey Through Brain Injury follows Martin's sister, father, and mother (the author) as they accompany Martin through rehabilitation and recovery. They find that they too must work to get back, to heal their own minds and souls. Climbing Back chronicles their extraordinary, transformative journey of realignment and recovery - illuminating mysteries and miracles large and small, laughter's restorative power, and the natural world's vital relationship to the process of healing

NMBIRC Library Item Request/Patron Form

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