The New Mexico Brain Injury Resource Center has a comprehensive library available to you, whether you live in Albuquerque or somewhere else in the state of New Mexico.

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TitleBehavior Functional Rehabilitation Activities ManualAuthorMessenger, Barbara and Niki ZiarnekPublished 2004
Status:Check Shelves SubjectBrain InjuryMediabookISBN1-931117-21-7TypeGeneral BorrowDescription
This manual teaches a therapeutic style of interaction using a step-by-step format. Someone with little or no experience in working with persons with disabilities can pick up these manuals and immediately be able to interact in a therapeutic manner while facilitating independence. Can be used by any caregiver including direct care staff, nurses, therapists, family, teachers, and aides. They can be used with children or adults with any type of neurological condition involving social, cognitive and behavioral challenges. Useful for inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs, community programs, residential settings, schools and at home. This manual features worksheets and data forms for tracking performance and outcomes, with full instructions for administration. Each activity has a documentation form for easy inclusion in clinical records. Includes over 145 activities and documentation sheets on... social skill awareness self responsibility interpreting cues assertiveness/group interaction social skill acquisition üinitiation and conversations social responses and self-esteem verbal/nonverbal communication telephone and restaurant etiquette time and anger management vocational skills

NMBIRC Library Item Request/Patron Form

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