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TitleAnxiety and Mood Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury: Clinical Assessment and PsychotherapyAuthorCoetzer, RudiPublishedKarnac Books 2010
Status:Check Shelves SubjectBrain InjuryMediabookISBN978-1855756472TypeGeneral BorrowDescription
While there are many excellent texts addressing the cognitive impairment and behavioral difficulties and also rehabilitation associated with traumatic brain injury, few textbooks specifically address the most common emotional difficulties that can have an adverse effect on rehabilitation and outcome. Uniquely, this book deals exclusively with the identification and psychotherapeutic management of specifically mood and anxiety disorders after traumatic brain injury. Furthermore, a systematic approach to identifying and diagnosing anxiety and mood disorders is followed throughout the text. This book provides an introduction to anxiety and mood disorders after traumatic brain injury and a psychological perspective on their evolution and management. It is aimed at a range of professionals in training (or those responsible for providing training in psychopathology, neuropsychology and psychotherapy), or those who may have an interest in working with the type of patients with anxiety or depression, commonly seen in post-acute brain injury rehabilitation settings. Case studies, summaries and suggested references for further reading are used throughout to facilitate understanding and teaching where relevant.

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