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TitleAfter a Stroke: 300 Tips for Making Life EasierAuthorHutton, CleoPublishedDemos Health 2005
Status:Check Shelves SubjectABICategoryStrokeMediabookEdition1ISBN978-1932603118Call NumberABI Hut 2005 c1.1TypeGeneral BorrowDescription
The American Stroke Association estimates that about 4,800,000 stroke survivors are alive today and about 700,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke each year. After a Stroke: 300 Tips for Making Life Easier is addressed to this wide audience. Because hospital stays after a stroke are often short compared to the lengthy period of rehabilitation and gradual return of function, After a Stroke concentrates on the home recovery process after a stroke and assists those patients and their families in attempting to grow from patient back to person. The author, a twelve-year stroke survivor and nurse, gives readers tips she learned and used herself during her recovery. She addresses topics such as communication, emotional liability, safety issues, personal care, relaxation techniques, and intimacy issues. The tips included in this book cover everything from dressing, hair care, cooking, and airline travel to using a computer and alleviating pain. Many activities that we take for granted can become a challenge after surviving a stroke. After a Stroke describes in detail how to accomplish daily living routines, combat fatigue, enjoy recreational activities, and how to turn stroke deficits into assets. The book frankly discusses self-esteem issues and using humor as a healing tool. No subject is off limits. Hutton leaves no gaps in relating what families and fellow stroke survivors need to know to live a full life post stroke. With over 300 tips to assist stroke survivors, this book offers tried and true methods for coping with the aftermath of a stroke. It is a very useful reference guide and can be read in sections depending on the reader's area of interest. The book's mission is to foster independence for people living with stroke and promote healing through a positive outlook. After a Stroke is an essential tool for all stroke survivors and their families.


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